I seriously got butternut squash and Indian peaches for $1. Not only was it delicious and healthy, but I felt so connected with my brothers and sisters through this earth — I know, total hippy moment. And for produce that cheap, I can hardly justify trying to garden myself!!
I'm really enjoying being challenged in the kitchen. When I brought the butternut squash home, I had not a clue what to do with it. Thanks to my friends on Facebook who made recipe suggestions! I opted for smashed butternut squash — sorta like smashed potatoes, but more flavorful! Even Jonathan liked it. Next time, I'm going for the butternut squash soup!
And speaking of God's bounty, it struck me in church this morning that you really don't know you need a church family until you have one. What a tremendous blessing Four Corners, my community group and all my church friends have been to Jonathan and me. We've definitely seen a whole lot of "fruits" of the Spirit! ;-)
I encourage those who don't have a church family to seek one out. Give church a try — or, perhaps, another try. You may have been burned by Christians in the past, but you'll never be burned by Christ!
I also ask for prayers for Jonathan's grandmother, our Nonna, who is undergoing spinal surgery on Tuesday. We hope she will heal quickly and enjoy a quality of life she hasn't had in some time. We love you, Nonna!!!