Sunday, April 17, 2011

Chicken Puffs

This is a simple and delicious recipe. I imagine kids would have fun helping prepare this one. Verdicts out on whether it's the healthiest... just be sure to serve it with veggies!

Anyway, my thanks to Megan for sharing this recipe with me a while back. Now, I'm going to pay it forward!

Chicken Puffs

about a pound of chicken, boiled and shredded
cream cheese (about 8 ounces-I eyeball it!)
salt to taste
crescent rolls (2 cans)

Preheat oven as directed on crescent roll package. Mix chicken with cream cheese until it's creamy to your liking. Mix in salt. Sprinkle with paprika.

Roll crescent rolls flat and separate from each other. Press dough thin using fingers and spoon in chicken filling.

Enclose mixture with dough. Pull off the extra dough (you'll have enough leftover to make a few extra chicken puffs).

Bake as directed on crescent roll package.

And here's what pops out of the oven...

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