Saturday, June 15, 2013

Happy 1st Father's Day


I married you because I knew you'd be an amazing husband. I just assumed that you'd be an equally amazing father...

In the beginning, we were both terrified. Here was this tiny life placed in our hands for constant care—and you took that responsibility very seriously. Dr. Google was your constant companion in those days. Then there was the problem of long daddy arms and a tiny baby girl who always seemed to slip through, much to your dismay (and sometimes discouragement). But practice over the past 7 months has indeed made perfect.

Now, I'm in awe of the relationship you've fostered with our daughter. No one makes her ba-bas like you (or sterilizes them like you!). No one can compose Nora-specific songs on the fly like you (except maybe me!) Her face lights up for her daddy in a way that is exclusively for YOU. Sometimes, when Nora does something precious just for you, I can almost hear your heart burst. I love watching you show her off proudly to anyone who'll listen. I love your baby banter—you already offer her so much wisdom and insight into life.

There is so much I look forward to seeing you both share over the years to come—trips to Lowe's, geology lessons, daddy/daughter dances, Disney world, Halloween & Christmas—just to name a FEW!

All this to admit that I was wrong about you. "Amazing" doesn't do you justice. I'm in awe and without sufficient words to describe you as a father. And because of that, I love you more than words. You are the heart of our family.

We love you,
Nora & Mommy

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