Thursday, April 24, 2014

Strawberry White Chocolate Pie

You all saw the picture.

You all had drool and wanted a bite the recipe.

I wish I could take credit for this slice of heaven, but my coworker Kelly Brown shared the recipe with me and gave me permission to share it with you all.

Here it is, enjoy!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Playroom Space-Saving Idea

When I was planning Nora's playroom, I made a list of all the things I would like for it to include. Then I noticed that my list was really, really long and my space is a bit limited.

Two of the things on my list were storage and a chalkboard. Here's a pic of the storage unit we have from Target:

Rita, my mother-in-law, suggested I combine storage and a chalkboard to save space. Rather than put the el cheapo cardboard backing on the unit that came with it, we decided to get a custom board cut and just slap a couple coats of chalkboard paint on it. Then we just attached the board using screws. Also, don't forget to season the board with chalk.

A million months after her wonderful suggestion, it's finally done. The unit's very heavy, but we're considering mounting it on the wall for extra stability.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Go Bold or Go Home???

I may be having a case of buyer's remorse. I may just be panicking because I don't do color. I mean, I grew up in a white-walled home. I have OCD, too, so things have to be perfect, which sometimes means I just never try something at all because I could mess it up. <breathing into a paper bag>

Let me start from the beginning and explain what I've done and how I need your help.

Jonathan and I finally finished our sea fan frame. You know the beauty constructed using reclaimed wood from downtown Newnan and a dried coral from Etsy:

I am in love with it. We are displaying it proudly in our foyer.

However, the more I looked at this picture, the more I was bothered by the hideously boring walls that we've been vowing to paint since we moved in 3.5 years ago. So, today, I decided it was finally time to put color to my mudroom walls to make the room worthy of my new oceanic wall decor (and the awesome coat rack my dad built me).

I decided to try navy since my friend Lezlee helped me narrow the color field while she was visiting last week (she is a VERY talented artist, after all, and she DID select the beautiful green that is in Nora's nursery).

So, I took several deep breaths and started painting (which, if you have OCD, too, you know that means I've now committed myself to finishing this project SOON because I can't stand to leave things undone). Surprisingly, Jonathan and I loved it. Here, take a gander:

And then it started to dry and darken. Suddenly my "goboldorgohome" hashtag on Instagram was looking more like #goboldorgohome???? 

And then the sun began to set and it darkened some more. And now I worry that we just ventured from the land of trendy sunroom to college frat backroom where the PJ is kept.

See!? Can you tell the difference:

Normally I don't ask for these, but I want OPINIONS! Help me. I'm way on the fence with this one. I either need to be encouraged to embrace color, or to retreat to the safety and comfort of a slate blue or seafoam green.

Help a sister out.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Spring Cleaning

Guys, my blog got a spring break-inspired facelift. Bout time, right??

I know I've done a poor job of updating this regularly. My excuse is simply that I've been really busy with my jobs and with Nora. Jonathan has also been really busy with his freelance business. We know we're ultimately blessed to have jobs, family friends!

But I will get back to my woodworking projects soon...and you are invited to follow along!

Please pay special attention to my new "Follow this blog" tab. I've tried to make it easier to follow along through NetworkedBlogs.

Here's a few quick pictures of Nora (now 16 months old) that I had to share from her first trip to Zoo Atlanta yesterday (thank you Lezlee Tsai for making us get out of the house!!)