Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Flown the Coop!

Guys, I've felt convicted that I guest blogged for a church friend recently when I've been neglecting my own blog!

If you didn't catch that blog, check it out here!

When last I left you, I was happily exploring the world of homesteading. Since then I had setbacks with mono (4 months of it!) and a nasty finger injury. Oh, and I also escaped to Seaside, FL for a week with my wonderful family! I'm happy to report that I'm all-round healing.

But, back to homesteading: I think you can officially say I'm all in with this hippie business. I'm trying to simplify my life. Be content with the basics again. Raise as much of my family's food as possible in order to reduce the amount of processed food we consume. I also want to teach Nora about working hard with her hands.

In addition to homesteading, the Melvilles have been doing a LOT of home remodeling, which I'll be sharing here soon.  My garden is doing well considering I got NOTHING out of it in previous years (wrong location -- come to find out, sunlight is a necessity!). I'm growing okra, tomatoes, squash, peppers, blueberries, jalapeƱos, basil & a little thing I call my mojito plant (aka mint!) ;-)

Oh, yeah, and now our family owns four chickens. "Own" being the key word. They don't live with us. The City of Newnan frowns on that type thing (boo!). But we paid for them, we get to name them (I'm vying for Spurgeon, Keller, Bonheoffer and Piper) and we will soon be enjoying yummy eggs. They will be permanently housed at my friends' homestead. Nora will have frequent visitation rights, too! I can't wait to milk my first goat, too! I'm so grateful for this opportunity for her to learn more about this earth and how generations before made do!

Let me know if you have any good chicken names (I mean, what could possibly be better than what I picked??)!

1 comment:

  1. George Sr., Buster, Michael and Gob

    Of course those are all men, too...
