Sunday, April 20, 2014

Playroom Space-Saving Idea

When I was planning Nora's playroom, I made a list of all the things I would like for it to include. Then I noticed that my list was really, really long and my space is a bit limited.

Two of the things on my list were storage and a chalkboard. Here's a pic of the storage unit we have from Target:

Rita, my mother-in-law, suggested I combine storage and a chalkboard to save space. Rather than put the el cheapo cardboard backing on the unit that came with it, we decided to get a custom board cut and just slap a couple coats of chalkboard paint on it. Then we just attached the board using screws. Also, don't forget to season the board with chalk.

A million months after her wonderful suggestion, it's finally done. The unit's very heavy, but we're considering mounting it on the wall for extra stability.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.

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