My father's mother, Julia Bell Richardson, lives in Britton's Neck, SC. Don't worry, you've never heard of it. And, by the way, it's not even on Wikipedia — we checked! It's in low country South Carolina about an hour from Myrtle Beach, and the population has got to be less than 150. There's no downtown. There's not even a school. The population is probably 75% Richardsons — which is why, during our tour this Easter weekend, we visited destinations like the Richardson family cemetery and Richardson Hill.
All that aside, it was so great to have the opportunity to introduce Jonathan to my aunts and uncles and cousins who couldn't make it all the way to Georgia for our wedding. He instantly fit into our crazy family!! And, it's hard to believe my sweet grandmother is about to turn 89! I'm so grateful for the time we got to spend with her.
Jonathan and I probably had the most fun hiding the eggs for the big Easter egg hunt that all the little ones took part in. Here's the family photo we took at the conclusion of the Easter egg hunt. I LOVE that our numbers are steadily growing (yes, we're already feeling the pressure, Dad)!
The Gaggle
Here are a few more pictures from this weekend that capture the essence of the Deep South:
Ha! Just noticed that I look like Waldo in my stripy shirt hidden in the middle of all those people! :-)